Tuesday, March 6, 2012



Next test is march 27th

Geto Boys (scarf ace, unlocked rapper)

"the world is a ghetto" soc pol song world wide perspective on poverty
Take a trip to the wether side lyric
Parallel to bono's statement about Africa being the exception to the rule of what's acceptable
Southern culture influences a lot ...as with snoop inflections

"mind playin tricks eon me"
Intense paranoia... He's being haunting by the Spector of death
Verse two, empty in spite of all the things
Verse three, scarface...
The threats of emptiness, of nihilism, the purpose/less
Fatal thoughts
[the plane of life pic]


Feat goodie mob
"Git up get out"
Negativity weighs it down, not feeling accepted by the audience but remembering the lords acceptance
Didn't bring me here just to just leave me ...linelyric

Popular culture influences of hip hop:
1. Movies: Hollywood ---
A. gangster movies; scarface the godfather
Biggie referenced frank white (old scoo gangster)
Tupacs defense...
Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese films receive rewards
Creating a sub culture in the American life
B. Blaxploitation movies,
Play on/off the stereotypes and make fun of it
Shaft, buggy bear, dolemite, blackula ,black dynamite

Representation of black stereotypes the heroic figures,: pimp, a bad ass, leader, ladies man, strong...

Pimp being a great example of how these influences expand definitions j

Stood out by the clothes, cars: Loud colorful clothes... Polar opposite of dr king or Malcolm x.... Very showy ostentatious, etc. bootsy Collins

Robert townson... Marks the blaxploitation genre

C. Kung Fu movies ( subtle but very present Influence)
Quintain Terintino
Grand master ...flash
Woo tang clan almost every album was an image to Kung fu movies

D. Sports: subtle presense on hip hop... Especially basketball the old ABA... Tending to be almost exclusively African american.... With a style of clothing that was not as accepted mainstreame
Julius urban
Style flare
Jribbling ability, passing,


Tattoos on the Heart
Cornell west definition of nihilism... Not just meaninglessness, but The threat of loveless ness

Thursday, March 1, 2012



80s/90s generating a theme of nihilism

Tattoos in the heart documentary

The Notorious BIG
'Respect' lyrics, ...haven't even been born and I'm seein my death...
Ominous overtone yet with transformation occurring
Ready to Die album pointing toward the nihilism - street poetry

King Leer of Shakespeare
Also book of Jove compared with tupac
'wish I was never born' dark sentiment
"Ain't Nuthin But A G Thing"
SnoopnDoggyDr. Dre
Lyrics...Just like a clock when I tick and I talk...

Exception gangster rap and witty street poetry rhythm

Foo gees, Lauryn Hill
Wyclef Jean "if I were president"
Wyclef is from Haiti
Strong social consciousness

...Hard hitting / Award winning photograph depicted by the lyric of an infant with vultures waiting for it to die..

Jay-Z on street art (pg 92-)

Combination of street art with European masters; Christianity and Santeria (Cuban combination of Catholicism and african religions) and Voodoo (Haiti )
One critic of Basquiat said that the boys in his paintings do not grow up to be men, but instead corpses, skeletons, and ghosts...
Basquiat sits on my wall as a warning
Hip hop and Basquiat are the voices of the boys that grow up to die at very young ages...
Not evil foreboding but tragic Fact of life, exceptional about hip hop and rap is how they get you to face these facts...

Taking us back to Tats oin the heart

-Pg 52--- poverty and shame: low confidence: toxic sense of self worthlessness or feeling of unworthiness in urban world that seem intimately linked/associated with poverty... Or broken homes or family unit dysfunction
"Global sense of failure of the whole self"
-Pg 89---( manifestations of ) Nihilism lurking Though
...We taste only sacredness... But this sense is abolished by inner city conditions
...Lethal absence of hope in the gang member.
....failure to conjure up the the elevated self, instead plan their funerals rather than their futures
....says many homies have a whole in their soul in the shape of their dad
....intense anger pg 107...
...inability to express and know compassion.

Hip hop culture itself is comprised of many parts
M scene

A John bohm film

Tuesday, February 28, 2012



Trick Daddy - I'm a Thug

Raise of gangster rap thru 80s...
Death associated with all different realms

Hip hop became the CNN of that context , voice of that reality

Capture the pride of thug life

Civil rights movement key players dressed respectable, mainstream... Educated, law abiding, composed....

Hip hop generation, dress became confrontational ... A rejection of the conventions of 'respectable'

A Tribe Called Quest "Check the Rhime"
Electric relaxationi

KRS one ...criminal minded

Scholar, Anthony Pinn defines 3 categories of Rap:

1. Status rappers
Narrative of poverty of success...
E.g rappers delight
2. Gangster Rap/hh
Fiercely Antiestablishment
Suspicious of all authority
History of oppression and mistreatment
Strong element of Nihilism - lack of ethics leading to life takin
Intense violence,
Pride of gangs
3. Socially Conscious Hip Hop
Strong value of spiritual, political, and historical education....
Self-awareness & realization... To know thyself

Jay Z as example of how these categories aren't mutually exclusive (test case:)

Theme of being a hustler (pg 12)
Rap had to evolve.... Divide, disconnect.... Early rap (partying, status kind of rap) did not capture the harshness of inner city life.....
It did not address some of the social problems: violence, drugs, police, abuse, etc.
Jay z particular interest in the psychology of a young kid in the ghetto... That was / is his story to share,tell and represent to the world of those who relate....

Witty description of poetry: pg 54 (importance)
- - a poet makes words work sonically , as sounds and music.... Rhythm and rhyme to'm..... Beyond just the content of the words, it conveys.

***Poets bends language... Recreating... Redefining...
Improvise and invent new ways of speaking the truth.***

...turns ordinary and familiar language into something that appears new, strange, surprising.

Like, as with
Walt Whitman makes you experience things youre very familiar with in whole new ways, e.g. look at grass thru a child's eyes

Exam q on 99 problems...

Native tongues

Thursday, February 23, 2012



Jay Z decoded (on next exam)
------ review from
History of hip hop - battles , 1st cool mo dee and busy bee
Bomb b bomb dad dang da dang diggit Ee

IRS one suggests this was the crucial shift to the mo dee meaning stylin and battling boosting

KRs one Mc Shan
Mc Shan associated with queens origins of hip hop
KRS one Bronx pride

Origins of hip hop artists
Should be no surprise there is a connection between religion and hippopotami given poverty foci
jay z
Hard knock life
"Analyzing life's ills" lyric

June 4, 2002

Moment of Clarity
insight, enlightenment,
Given by god
The absent father...
Moment of clarity is about remarkable forgiveness, and they have the same face but he doesn't know you... To the same game I saw so many others fall..

....Steve Harvey on original kings of comedy mentioning how they stopped singing about love...
True but the movement illuminated important topics
Beat Rhymhms and tribe called quest

Origins of hip hip
1. Social context first stage of hip hop emerges:
1970s, particularly ny , escalating unemployment, especially in inner cities... Poverty, deteriorating schools, poor health careh, growing violence, prejudice (still in civil rights movement)
1980s, U.S. wide, "crack epidemic" cocaine devastating ripple effect
---Reagan administration enforcing longer sentences for drug..., rates of incarceration exploded
Unjust targeting of minority community
---Police brutality

Also note Clothing of hip hop was very much a reflection of prison culture...

--- gangs and drugs, and atrosive violence....
Irony, 80s economic boom in surrounding communities and yet things were never worse in the inner city... The divide between have and have nots,,

--- destruction of the family unit...
Not just absent fathers but also mothers...

Creem by wotang clan
Gangster rap develops in the context of this 80s epidemic and boom
As is addressed by tattoos on the heart

It lead to things like the theme of *nihilism *and lack of meaning in life...
Then leading to theme of Materialism in this culture

Beginning a tribe called quest

Jay's Moment of Clarity & A Tribe Called Quest's Beats, Rhymes, and Life

Beats, Rhymes, and Life = AMAZING

Thursday, February 16, 2012



Rakim " when I b on tha mic"
In hip hop circles think of him as best lyricist

Boasting as a tradition of hip hop

Durham.. Hiphop minor
Francophile project
Big presentation next fall..

Playful use of Language

A. Language of trickery, satire, and irony...

Irony: the apparent, literal meaning is different than the actual, deeper meaning... Like "he's signifying" as in saying something that isn't obvious.

Satire: humorous criticism

B. boasts, insults, berating another person, bragging characteristics
---toasts: narrative poem, often as a boast
---dozens: the game of insults often about one's mama

Signifying monkey book:
Monkey,elephant,and a lion
Lion, considered king of jungle
Elephant, majestic
Monkey, the weaker powerless position... He uses language to trick, deceive, and challenge his condition of powerlessness

Slave masters being in position of lion elephant with power...
Monkey using language to combat inequity

Signifying: "Their verse were their own and abounding in hidden satires intended for unkind masters"

H. Rap Brown:
Secular street poet... He is the Closest analogy to hip hop

Langston Hughes:
Great African American poet
Playing on the tradition of your mama jokes

Mohammad Ali:
Analogy of hip hop poetry likened to boxing... Possible explaination why man predominant hip hop... It's a violent poetry

Get used to me so what me name fool
Chuck d riffing on the human condition

Tuesday, February 14, 2012



Interweaving spirituality, hip hip, poetry...street poetry

Tupac / Biggie
West / East


1. The pure form of the language and words --- rhythms, flows, rhymes,
Couplets... Style.
Ezra Pound (literary intellectual of 20th century)

2. The form plus the content: the ideas, experiences, themes, in addition to the form of language

Crucial move in the ,movement of hip hop
Taking excerpts of other/older songs to mix over...

Shift from r&b to hide hop
Juicy Fruit mtume
To Juicy - biggie
Mr magic music producer

Documentary of history of hip hop
Moe dee vs busy bee
Birth of lyrical mc

Juice crew vs

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Exam Review


Possible Questions for First Exam: In addition to these questions, be sure to study class notes with great care. Anything from the notes can appear on the exam.

1. Be able to explain and interpret the main themes of the following songs:

Billie Holiday, Strange Fruit,

The Melodians, By the River of Babylon, 587 BCE Babylonian Captivity, conquer Israel and send Jews into exile

Grandmaster Flash, The Message,

KRS-One, Love's Gonna Getcha,

Common, I Used to Love HER, an allegory to HipHop..

Bone Thugs N'Harmony, Crossroads, ---Meditation on death and dying

Run DMC, Hard Times

2. Concerning the movie clip from 'Belly,' what was the subject ofthe minister's speech at the end ofthe movie? How does the movie outline the two major approaches to hip-hop?

3. In the movie, Pulp Fiction, how does the character that Samuel Jackson plays describe the nature of a miracle?
How does this change his life?

4. Be able to explain the definitions of religion in

Schleiermacher: intuition & taste of the infinite; ultimate reality; ground and origin of being... Intuition is an immediate or direct apprehension of a truth not based on reason or logic alone. ...Religion: there are truths outside the boundaries of reason and logic.

Mircea Eliade (Romanian): defined human beings as "Homo religioso" ~ all beings yearn for wholeness, completeness, purpose, significance, and so on...
Eliade saw life as a search for this and nothing else.
Everyone knows the experience of emptiness, and desires to fill it with meaning and purpose.
This was/is in contrast to Aristotle's view that human beings are simply rational animals...

Paul Tillich: Religion in grounded in the Hope - that good prevails over evil, love over hatred, beauty over ugliness, truth over ignorance, life over death... Religion produces and sustains Hope.

5. What was the social context in which the Bible emerged? Poverty, written by the poor and poverty-stricten.
How is this different from Greek philosophy? Written by the elite of the elite. Highly educated and academically involved.

6. What is the story of Exodus and why has it been so important in the history of oppressed peoples? .

7. What was the Babylonian Captivity?

8. What is a prophet, as discussed in lecture (be able to define and explain the major themes)?

9. What was the social and political context of Jesus and his followers? What social class did Jesus belong to?

10. Why was such a strong feeling of connection felt by many slaves towards the life of Jesus?

11. Be able to explain the biblical passages associated with Jesus at the beginning of his ministry (Luke 4) and the parable ofthe Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25).

12. Why is the story of the Samaritan woman at the well important in the history of racism?

13. Why was Jesus crucified? What were the political motives for his arrest and execution?

14. According to Bono (from U2) what is the meaning of Jubilee? Be familiar with the passage of Leviticus that he cites in this regard.

15. According to Bono, what is the one major theme that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all agree upon?

16. What are the main themes and characteristics of Liberation and Black theology, as discussed in lecture?

17. What are the major themes in the life of Frederick Douglass, as discussed in lecture?

18. What is nihilism and how is this manifested in parts of the culture of hip-hop?

19. How did Karl Marx define religion?

20. What is meant by the term theodicy? Why is this theme important to both the Spirituals and Hip Hop?

Rap, Culture, and God Exam Review

Billie Holiday "Strange Fruit"
The Melodians "By The Rivers of Babylon"
Grandmaster Flash "The Message"
KRS-One "Love's Gonna Getcha"
Common "I Used To Love Her"
Bone Thugs N'Harmony "Crossroads"
Run DMC "Hardtimes"

2. Belly ending speech
the future of our children willful the heat of a fire

it's feeling the heat of flames burning for
grave role in our own destruction
how loosely and easily you've taken life

14. Bono had become cynical because hes a believer
Muslims, Christians, Jews... All of us re here
are all searching our souls for how to serve our family and communities our god better..

Jubilee, year of our lord's favor, Leviticus:
how jesus begins his ministry
clever guy this jesus
Colin Powell
one thing we can all agree
god is with the vulnerable and poor
in the slums
god is in the cries heard under the rubble of war


Possible Questions for First Exam: In addition to these questions, be sure to study class notes with great care. Anything from the notes can appear on the exam.

1. Be able to explain and interpret the main themes of the following songs:

Billie Holiday, Strange Fruit,

The Melodians, By the River of Babylon, 587 BCE Babylonian Captivity, conquer Israel and send Jews into exile

Grandmaster Flash, The Message,

KRS-One, Love's Gonna Getcha,

Common, I Used to Love HER, an allegory to HipHop..

Bone Thugs N'Harmony, Crossroads, ---Meditation on death and dying

Run DMC, Hard Times

2. Concerning the movie clip from 'Belly,' what was the subject ofthe minister's speech at the end ofthe movie? How does the movie outline the two major approaches to hip-hop?

Belly: ministers speech during the ending scene

DMX is sent to kill Islamic minister

Clip: Belly

(Todd Boyd. At USC has good commentary on the film..

Discusses nihilism and then those who advocate the meaning of life... Education... Spiritually.)

Nas line as sincere...I've been reading this book and it's got me thinking about a whole new way a new format

3. In the movie, Pulp Fiction, how does the character that Samuel Jackson plays describe the nature of a miracle?

How does this change his life?

4. Be able to explain the definitions of religion in

Schleiermacher: intuition & taste of the infinite; ultimate reality; ground and origin of being... Intuition is an immediate or direct apprehension of a truth not based on reason or logic alone. ...Religion: there are truths outside the boundaries of reason and logic.

Mircea Eliade (Romanian): defined human beings as "Homo religioso" ~ all beings yearn for wholeness, completeness, purpose, significance, and so on...

Eliade saw life as a search for this and nothing else.

Everyone knows the experience of emptiness, and desires to fill it with meaning and purpose.

This was/is in contrast to Aristotle's view that human beings are simply rational animals...

Paul Tillich: Religion in grounded in the Hope - that good prevails over evil, love over hatred, beauty over ugliness, truth over ignorance, life over death... Religion produces and sustains Hope.

5. What was the social context in which the Bible emerged? Poverty, written by the poor and poverty-stricten.

How is this different from Greek philosophy? Written by the elite of the elite. Highly educated and academically involved.

6. What is the story of Exodus and why has it been so important in the history of oppressed peoples? .

god hear their cries and sends them a liberator (Moses), he delivers the people to the promised land of freedom & justice.

7. What was the Babylonian Captivity?

587 BCE babylonians conquer Isael and send Jews into exile

8. What is a prophet, as discussed in lecture (be able to define and explain the major themes)?

1. one who proclaims the word of god in the form of a criticism against sins and injustices of the people

2. themes, special concern for poor and weak, for widows, orphans, strangers, and so on...

...strong passion for Justice & Equality ---- their religion is grounded in ethical demands

...they are critics of religious devotion that do not inspire acts of love and justice//

9. What was the social and political context of Jesus and his followers? What social class did Jesus belong to?

the lowest there was... carpenter

10. Why was such a strong feeling of connection felt by many slaves towards the life of Jesus?

11. Be able to explain the biblical passages associated with Jesus at the beginning of his ministry (Luke 4) and the parable ofthe Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25).

12. Why is the story of the Samaritan woman at the well important in the history of racism?

13. Why was Jesus crucified? What were the political motives for his arrest and execution?

Language itself without the beats being the primary driving force

Hip hop and

Judaism and christianity

Voices of the poor

Emerge out of poverty

Figures that were followers of Jesus were probably


---------one other story to mention on the topic of Matthew

And story that says jesus will separate sheep from goats

Jesus teaching and ministry

John 4: Samaritan women at the well:

Echoes with some of our own themes in hip hop

Samaritans: racially and culturally impure:

Considered inferior and inadequate

Treated as racial minorities... Not about skin color

More like ethnocentrism than racism

Most people were mid eastern dark skin

They were Jewish...

Racism often starts with some misconception of purity

The myth of being pure, anymore pure than anyone else...

E.g. Celts intermingling with spanish, Irish, Italian, etc.... We're all mixed culturally and of mixed origins

....in a very segregated world and time,

Jesus broke down taboos and challenged the segregated mentality

By asking for water from women

Jesus goes on to describes himself as "living water"

Jesus teachings are refreshing and life sustaining for the body and Soul...

We're all thirsty

She was morally suspect and impure; associated with prostitution

So for Jesus to approach her sets a new example for life and interaction

Jesus is not judgmental he shows her compassion and forgiveness

She goes on to have alive changing experience

And begins to be a follower of Jesus

Jesus death ~ crucifixion

This was a common form of punishment by the roman empire

Reserved for political criminals, especially rebels

Jesus would have been arrested for being a political criminal

He was associated with other Jewish revolutionaries of his time that were, in fact, fighting for independence from Rome

Guilt by association


People thought of him as King of the Jews

This would of been an act of sedition against the roman king - Caesar

Death of an Innocent man

God suffers through the figure of Christ on behalf of humanity

"Were you there when they crucified my lord?... Sometimes it causes me to tremble.."

14. According to Bono (from U2) what is the meaning of Jubilee? Be familiar with the passage of Leviticus that he cites in this regard.

Year of our Lord's favor

2000 Jubilee - cancel the worlds debts

scripture says "If your brother becomes poor and cannot maintain himself, you shall maintain him... You shall not lend your money at interest nor give him your food for profit."

"Clever guy this Jesus"-Bono

15. According to Bono, what is the one major theme that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all agree upon?

God is with the vulnerable and poor. God is with us and we are with them.

16. What are the main themes and characteristics of Liberation and Black theology, as discussed in lecture?

Liberation &/or black theology

Liberation thrology from Latin America , mostly

But both say the same thing

Themes and characteristics of this interpretation of Christianity

Very much in tradition of Dr. King

1. theology, reflection on God

Expands no the horizons on this reflection

Classical theology has been too euro-centric

... Liberation/black theologists are not denouncing classical, european theology, however....

Just that it must also include the voices of non-euro people and cultures

Any cultural tradition can bring totally illuminating reflection on theology, on god.

It is a criticism of the history of racism and prejudice in Christianity

2. Focus on the non-persons of history before the non-believers... I.e. the focus should not be on proving to an atheist that god exists... There are more pressing issues... Those Individuals who have been dehumanized by the injustice, poverty, inequality, prejudice, etc... Thos people should be the focus... Those who want and need God and invite God into their life's

The subject should be : How do you reach out to these people?

3. "Liberation" is a key concept in addition to the classic idea "salvation"

Freedom in the present day

Salvation has come to mean after life in a lot of cases

They think religion should engage and inspire social move,ends in the present vs waiting to die...

Get up Stand up, stand up for you rights

4. Religion should inspire social change and justice

In this regard

17. What are the major themes in the life of Frederick Douglass, as discussed in lecture?

Frederick Douglass, American slave

Narrative by F.Douglass

1) the tragedy of slavery:

His first master was a cruel man who took great pleasure in whipping ...nothing could move the iron man from his bloody purpose.

Speaks of the dehumanization effect of the exploiting nature of slavery,

2) spirituals:

The slave songs that a lot of times were accompanied by the work,

Revealed, at once, their deepest hope and dreams as well as the darkness of the sadness...

He thought that the spirituals communicated mo the volumes on the topic of slavery....

Musical form born in America, through the experience of suffering and anguish --- and hope...

3) role of education and emancipation:

Started to Learn to read thru the wife of one of his former masters... Despite rules against it. The master : ignorance produces servility , passivity...

Thru his learning becomes a leader, education was the pathway from slavery to freedom... The key to freedom

He shows absolute passion and admiration for and developed diligence with reading...

Especially upon reading of conquering arguments against slavery.

Another scholar on the topic, eloquent ....Cornell West...

4) christianity and slavery:

---his master went to a camp meeting where he was converted to Christianity..

instead he was much worse (cruel and vicious) of a man after than before...

(Fred) He excoriates and denounces the associationgs of christianity and slavery..

He reveals this hypocrisy that repeats throughout history

--- true Christian conversion is a change of mind and heart, a greater compass of Loveland compassion

And presuit of justice.

.."I assert that the religion I encountered in the south is just a cover to this hord fal grossest acts against other human beings"..

5. Theodicy:

Deals with the problem of suffering, and how or why God allows it...? Why do the innocent suffer?

Plays a huge role/is a prominent theme in hip hop

18. What is nihilism and how is this manifested in parts of the culture of hip-hop?

Nihilism "aint no purposeto life" make power gain power

Latin meaning nothingness the treats of meaninglessness, emptiness, loveless ness

19. How did Karl Marx define religion?

Marx: "Philosophers have interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it!"

Defines religion as the opium of masses... Like a drug that makes one feel better that soothes and consoles but does nothing to change or condition of life

sometimes prohibits people from attempting to make change in life...

20. What is meant by the term theodicy? Why is this theme important to both the Spirituals and Hip Hop?

*5. Theodicy:

Deals with the problem of suffering, and how or why God allows it...? Why do the innocent suffer?

Plays a huge role/is a prominent theme in hip hop

Tuesday, February 7, 2012




Styles P. Papoose Lupe Fiasco "The Cypher" (the circle of different rappers, A symbol of something with a deep meaning too)

Run DMC "Hard Times"

Throughout late 70s through 80s and even into the 90s rap/hip hop was pretty much strictly underground

Illmatic mid90s did not sell a lot of copies per se... Not mainstream then...

Two ways to study the exam review guide,
1. Fill in. The blank with respect to. Themes of tune or
2. who was the artist who sung (eg strange fruit )

Whats the the rivers Babylonian
Sent Israelites to river of Babylonian
About Babylonian captivity and Israelites were sent into exile

Common "I used to love her"... An allegory to hip hop, she sold out

It's like a jungle sometimes, it make me wonder how I keep for going unda

# 10 why slaves embrace the figure of Jesus, he came from a lower class, and crucified (like strange fruit), he belonged to an oppressed group of people he was an isaelites ... He always showed concern for the outcast like the. Sam woman by the water, poor needy...
16 and 17

Nihilism "aint no purposeto life" make power gain power
Latin meaning nothingness the treats of meaninglessness, emptiness, loveless ness
Libration/black Theologians:
James Cone - father of Afro am reli or theology
Cornel West
Gustavo Gutierrez, Juan Luis segue do, Boff Brothers, Jan Sobrino

Liberation &/or black theology
Liberation thrology from Latin America , mostly
But both say the same thing

Themes and characteristics of this interpretation of Christianity
Very much in tradition of Dr. King

1. theology, reflection on God
Expands no the horizons on this reflection

Classical theology has been too euro-centric
... Liberation/black theologists are not denouncing classical, european theology, however....
Just that it must also include the voices of non-euro people and cultures

Any cultural tradition can bring totally illuminating reflection on theology, on god.

It is a criticism of the history of racism and prejudice in Christianity

2. Focus on the non-persons of history before the non-believers... I.e. the focus should not be on proving to an atheist that god exists... There are more pressing issues... Those Individuals who have been dehumanized by the injustice, poverty, inequality, prejudice, etc... Thos people should be the focus... Those who want and need God and invite God into their life's
The subject should be : How do you reach out to these people?

3. "Liberation" is a key concept in addition to the classic idea "salvation"
Freedom in the present day
Salvation has come to mean after life in a lot of cases
They think religion should engage and inspire social move,ends in the present vs waiting to die...
Get up Stand up, stand up for you rights

4. Religion should inspire social change and justice
In this regard

Marx: "Philosophers have interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it!"
Defines religion as the opium of masses... Like a drug that makes one feel better that soothes and consoles but does nothing to change or condition of life
sometimes prohibits people from attempting to make change in life...

5. Theodicy:
Deals with the problem of suffering, and how or why God allows it...? Why do the innocent suffer?
Plays a huge role/is a prominent theme in hip hop

Belly: ministers speech during the ending scene

DMX is sent to kill Islamic minister

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Rap, Culture, & God
ReligionAFAS 335

Tennessee arrested development
Def look up the lyrics

Bone thugs and harmony the crossroads
Meditation on death and dying
Melancholia and lamenting

Frederick Douglass, American slave
Narrative by F.Douglass

1) the tragedy of slavery:
His first master was a cruel man who took great pleasure in whipping ...nothing could move the iron man from his bloody purpose.
Speaks of the dehumanization effect of the exploiting nature of slavery,

2) spirituals:
The slave songs that a lot of times were accompanied by the work,
Revealed, at once, their deepest hope and dreams as well as the darkness of the sadness...
He thought that the spirituals communicated mo the volumes on the topic of slavery....
Musical form born in America, through the experience of suffering and anguish --- and hope...

3) role of education and emancipation:

Started to Learn to read thru the wife of one of his former masters... Despite rules against it. The master : ignorance produces servility , passivity...
Thru his learning becomes a leader, education was the pathway from slavery to freedom... The key to freedom
He shows absolute passion and admiration for and developed diligence with reading...

Especially upon reading of conquering arguments against slavery.
Another scholar on the topic, eloquent ....Cornell West...

4) christianity and slavery:

---his master went to a camp meeting where he was converted to Christianity..
instead he was much worse (cruel and vicious) of a man after than before...

(Fred) He excoriates and denounces the associationgs of christianity and slavery..
He reveals this hypocrisy that repeats throughout history
--- true Christian conversion is a change of mind and heart, a greater compacts of Loveland compassion
And presuit of justice.

.."I asser that the religion I encountered in the south is just a cover to this hord fal grossest acts against other human beings"..


Clip: Belly

(Todd Boyd. At USC has good commentary on the film..
Discusses nihilism and then those who advocate the meaning of life... Education... Spiritually.)

Nas line as sincere...I've been reading this book and it's got me thinking about a whole new way a new format

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Rap, Culture, & God
Religion AFAS 335

def Dave chappell
...omhage to grand master flash
Language itself without the beats being the primary driving force

Hip hop and
Judaism and christianity
Voices of the poor
Emerge out of poverty

Figures that were followers of Jesus were probably

.... Nappy root po folks
Poverty ~ Curse and blessing
Gift of an insight you wouldn't have without poverty

---------one other story to mention on the topic of Matthew
And story that says jesus will separate sheep from goats

Jesus teaching and ministry
John 4: Samaritan women at the well:
Echoes with some of our own themes in hip hop
Samaritans: racially and culturally impure:
Considered inferior and inadequate
Treated as racial minorities... Not about skin color
More like ethnocentrism than racism
Most people were mid eastern dark skin
They were Jewish...
Racism often starts with some misconception of purity
The myth of being pure, anymore pure than anyone else...
E.g. Celts intermingling with spanish, Irish, Italian, etc.... We're all mixed culturally and of mixed origins
....in a very segregated world and time,
Jesus broke down taboos and challenged the segregated mentality
By asking for water from women

Jesus goes on to describes himself as "living water"
Jesus teachings are refreshing and life sustaining for the body and Soul...
We're all thirsty

She was morally suspect and impure; associated with prostitution
So for Jesus to approach her sets a new example for life and interaction
Jesus is not judgmental he shows her compassion and forgiveness

She goes on to have alive changing experience
And begins to be a follower of Jesus

Jesus death ~ crucifixion
This was a common form of punishment by the roman empire
Reserved for political criminals, especially rebels

Jesus would have been arrested for being a political criminal
He was associated with other Jewish revolutionaries of his time that were, in fact, fighting for independence from Rome
Guilt by association

People thought of him as King of the Jews
This would of been an act of sedition against the roman king - Caesar

Death of an Innocent man
God suffers through the figure of Christ on behalf of humanity

"Were you there when they crucified my lord?... Sometimes it causes me to tremble.."

Bono's Preek... CNN... thoughts on religion: bono prayer speech:
He considers himself a black sheep
Feels separate
apologizes for his flaws where they need excusing
Allll of us are searching our should how to make better worlds

Admits his aversion
His experience
The line between church and state was blurring
Religion often gets in the way of god sometimes

Perhaps because he's a believer
He was skeptical.. Cynical

...25 35 write the passage
If your bothers become poor
Lend him your money
Luke 4
Era of grace
We're still in it

God gets on the move...
Evidence of the spirit moving
Breath taking

Poverty mentioned more than 2000 times
Matthew 25 40

This is for
Justice not charity
This about equality

God is not silent on the subject

One campaign

Friday, January 27, 2012

Synchronicity/Coincidence/State of Grace :) deux

Bottlenose dolphins Phoenix and Akeakamai exhibit synchronized behaviour. From the BBC's 2003 Wildlife on One special Dolphins: Deep Thinkers? and filmed at the Kewalo Basin Marine Mammal Laboratory in Hawaii.

Akeakamai died in late 2003 and Phoenix a month afterwards, both of cancer.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Buck Forty

The makings of African American Religions


Themes and definitions

Israelite People

Cross sections

Hip Hop

A. Exodus
B. Babylonian
C. Jewish Prophets

Rivers of Babylon ~ Melodians

Strange Fruit ~ Billie Holiday