Tuesday, February 7, 2012




Styles P. Papoose Lupe Fiasco "The Cypher" (the circle of different rappers, A symbol of something with a deep meaning too)

Run DMC "Hard Times"

Throughout late 70s through 80s and even into the 90s rap/hip hop was pretty much strictly underground

Illmatic mid90s did not sell a lot of copies per se... Not mainstream then...

Two ways to study the exam review guide,
1. Fill in. The blank with respect to. Themes of tune or
2. who was the artist who sung (eg strange fruit )

Whats the the rivers Babylonian
Sent Israelites to river of Babylonian
About Babylonian captivity and Israelites were sent into exile

Common "I used to love her"... An allegory to hip hop, she sold out

It's like a jungle sometimes, it make me wonder how I keep for going unda

# 10 why slaves embrace the figure of Jesus, he came from a lower class, and crucified (like strange fruit), he belonged to an oppressed group of people he was an isaelites ... He always showed concern for the outcast like the. Sam woman by the water, poor needy...
16 and 17

Nihilism "aint no purposeto life" make power gain power
Latin meaning nothingness the treats of meaninglessness, emptiness, loveless ness
Libration/black Theologians:
James Cone - father of Afro am reli or theology
Cornel West
Gustavo Gutierrez, Juan Luis segue do, Boff Brothers, Jan Sobrino

Liberation &/or black theology
Liberation thrology from Latin America , mostly
But both say the same thing

Themes and characteristics of this interpretation of Christianity
Very much in tradition of Dr. King

1. theology, reflection on God
Expands no the horizons on this reflection

Classical theology has been too euro-centric
... Liberation/black theologists are not denouncing classical, european theology, however....
Just that it must also include the voices of non-euro people and cultures

Any cultural tradition can bring totally illuminating reflection on theology, on god.

It is a criticism of the history of racism and prejudice in Christianity

2. Focus on the non-persons of history before the non-believers... I.e. the focus should not be on proving to an atheist that god exists... There are more pressing issues... Those Individuals who have been dehumanized by the injustice, poverty, inequality, prejudice, etc... Thos people should be the focus... Those who want and need God and invite God into their life's
The subject should be : How do you reach out to these people?

3. "Liberation" is a key concept in addition to the classic idea "salvation"
Freedom in the present day
Salvation has come to mean after life in a lot of cases
They think religion should engage and inspire social move,ends in the present vs waiting to die...
Get up Stand up, stand up for you rights

4. Religion should inspire social change and justice
In this regard

Marx: "Philosophers have interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it!"
Defines religion as the opium of masses... Like a drug that makes one feel better that soothes and consoles but does nothing to change or condition of life
sometimes prohibits people from attempting to make change in life...

5. Theodicy:
Deals with the problem of suffering, and how or why God allows it...? Why do the innocent suffer?
Plays a huge role/is a prominent theme in hip hop

Belly: ministers speech during the ending scene

DMX is sent to kill Islamic minister

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